Friday, 27 July 2018

Return to Corporate World - The start of Working Mommy life!!

If you have been here before, you might know that I changed gears of my life at the end of 2015. From being a full-time IT engineer I went on to be a housewife. For those of you who are new here - yes, I quit my corporate job of almost a decade and ended up being a stay-at-home mom to my little one. That wasn't the plan though!

When I thought about having a baby, I never thought about quitting my job but circumstances at that point in time made me quit. It didn't make any sense to me or to the people around me but as they say, you can only join the dots backward. Those circumstances were universe's way of telling me - you are going to have your hands too full to do anything else for the next few years. And boy oh boy, my little boy!! I would never be able to decide whether he is more cute or more naughty :D :D Such are the joys of motherhood!!

Cut to 2018 and my boy is now more than 2 years and has started going to school (insert proud mom face here :P). So what if he's just going to a playschool. So what if I burn a hole in my pocket to let him play in someone else's premises. It's still a school :P. I digress. He is in school and I am back in the corporate world. Just the way universe pointed me to stay-at-home, the universe pushed me back to work as well. Coz this wasn't the plan either!

Sunday, 8 April 2018

Here's The Deal - I am not ready to let go!!

How long does it take to let go? There are some experiences and some snapshots of our life that are forever etched in our mind. We call them memories. Of the times when we were happy or sad or ecstatic or in love or betrayed. These are emotions that come to life when you relive a memory.

I am lucky to have a lot of these - memories - good and bad. Right from my school days - of friends that I didn't consider close back then but have taught me so much in hindsight. Of friends that loved me then and love me now. Of friends that I thought I wouldn't survive without but don't really matter anymore. And of friends who betrayed my trust. It's been a few years and then some years and then some more (God, I am old๐Ÿ˜›) since I got out of school. But the memories are still fresh - as a HD picture. A Picture!!

The good ones used to make me laugh and cry at the same time and the bad ones stung for a long long time. And then at some point of time they stopped stinging. I guess I let go of the emotions attached. The vision is still as fresh and the memory is clear but it doesn't hurt me anymore. Doesn't bring about any emotions. And that's what worries me!!

I have some extremely happy memories of my life in the past few years. The ones that made me smile, the ones that shaped my life and the ones that I want to hold on to forever. Coz that's all I have right now - memories. I know I won't be able to live those moments again. Each time I think back to any of those beautiful days my heart skips with joy. I can relive any of these moments and be happy even on the worst days. Sometimes that's what keeps me going.

With my school time memories, I didn't let go of the emotions intentionally. I guess they just died inside me. The heart breaks, the tears and the betrayal (that's seems like the theme of this post ๐Ÿ˜›) just stopped hurting. The laughter in the class, in the school hallways, around the town just doesn't ring in my ears anymore.

In couple of years from now (and then some more and then some more), will the good memories I made in the past few years die down as well? Just remain pictures without sound or motion or emotions?? Here's the deal - I am not ready to let go!! Not unless I make some new ones which make my heart flutter !!

I think the question really is whether you want to let go and how do you know if you do!!

Thursday, 11 January 2018

90 minutes at Bannerghatta National Park

June 2017 brought along the pleasure of family time when my parents and sister visited us in Bengaluru. My sweet (pun intended) lil sister had just one simple demand - "I don't want to waste my holidays sitting at home". So I being the ideal (no pun intended) elder sister ๐Ÿ˜‡ scoured all the Bengaluru tours and must-visit lists to find places we should visit. One constant entry on the lists happened to be Bannerghatta National Park which also happened to be just 25 km from my home (close by Bengaluru standards). There are a lot of good articles and posts about what to do at the park when you are spending an entire day but not enough has been written about what to do when you are short on time. So I am sharing my experience with you about how I spent just about 90 minutes at the national park and made the best of it.

Sunday, 31 December 2017

Goodbye 2017 and Welcome 2018 :) :)

Just a few hours remaining before the world bids adieu to another year, a year that is going to leave me happier, healthier, wiser ๐Ÿ˜‰ and very grateful. I want to say my goodbyes to this year by sharing with you, all the special moments that 2017 brought along.

The year started with the celebration of my little one's first Lohri. This event created some beautiful memories in the book of my life as both my families (Malhotra family and Sharma family) lived together under one roof for the first time. Our dear son also gave his father an unforgettable Lohri gift by saying Papa for the first time. Another reason that made this event special was that it reinforced my belief in the fact that 'Fathers are the only real superheroes'. My father traveled from Delhi to Bangalore with a fractured, plastered foot just to bring a smile on his daughter's face (the smile that you can see in the pic below). Those were some magical post-marital moments and I would look forward to the coming year to top this experience ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

A lil blurred but a very happy picture of my life (my two families together) :D

Wednesday, 8 November 2017

Our Bottle Feeding Journey

My little one turned one and half-year-old last month and also made an important transition. He made mommy proud by starting to drink milk from his favorite Baa Baa Black Sheep cup instead of a bottle. As he crossed this milestone I couldn't help but reminisce about the various sweet moments we enjoyed during our bottle feeding journey. I believe that a moment shared with others is a moment better lived so here I am sharing my memories with you.

We started bottle feeding when my lo was 2 months old majorly because I needed to overcome the exhaustion of constant feeding. He took the bottle quite easily, thanks to this amazing Natural feeding bottle from Chicco we used. He never once complained or appeared fussy about getting the bottle. New mommies, go ahead and give it a try!! This was the start of more than a year-long association with milk bottles.

For the first 8 months, it was either me or los grandparents who fed him through the bottle. My dear husband was completely convinced that lo will refuse his meal if he saw that the one feeding him isn't his mom or one of his grandparents ๐Ÿ˜„๐Ÿ˜„. In the 9th month, we had to move away from our hometown. We were visiting my SIL before the move when she saw me warm los milk bottle in the microwave. Surprisingly for me, she said that microwave should never be used for warming milk bottles (Thanks, Ritu Di for your ever kind way of sharing your wisdom). This triggered my search for an alternative and I discovered that there are milk warmers made specifically for helping moms like me.

Meanwhile, the change of city meant that the grandparents couldn't be around anymore. So, my husband had no choice but to share the responsibility of feeding our lo ๐Ÿ˜œ. And I, being the nice wife, assigned the midnight dream feeding duty to the father ๐Ÿ˜. And thus lo started sharing his midnight meal-time with his father. Btw, this helped lo and my husband bond so much more than before. My husband would tell me stories of how our lo woke up and wanted to play in the middle of the night and often I would find lo curled up in his father's arms in the morning. It is the cutest sight ever.

After the 10th month, my lo started to communicate his needs by using hand gestures. It was during this period that he started pointing towards the kitchen if he was hungry. Once we took him to the kitchen, he would point to his milk bottle and ask for milk. He learned to say 'dudhu' around his first bday and could ask for milk without even going to the kitchen. It warms my heart infinitely to watch him grow through these little stages. It was around this time that I noticed his milk bottles were regularly unfinished. Although we had switched to a bottle appropriate to his age and he was feeding for a long enough time, he couldn't finish the bottle. After much deliberation and reading, I decided to switch the brand of his bottles and bought Avent bottles. Voila, he started drinking up the complete milk. So dear fellow mommies, don't hesitate to change the brand of milk bottles in case your lo is fussing about the feed.

We were completely comfortable with the bottle feeding routine and lo was even showing interest in the procedure to prepare his milk bottle. I was about to hand over the responsibility of milk preparation to him ๐Ÿ˜Ž when my mom suggested that I should start thinking about weaning lo from the bottle. Once a child reaches 2 years of age, his attachment towards the bottle as well as his opinion of the world around him grows strong enough for him to start resisting any changes. This worried me because he was just learning to drink water from a glass and could only finish two sips at a time by pouring those two sips of water on himself ๐Ÿ™ˆ. If not the bottle then what!!

While I had started reading about weaning off the bottle, I remembered that one of my friend's elder sis (shout out to Payal and Reena Di) had once told me that she fed milk to her kids using a straw. I thought, why not give this a try! I got a straw, put it in a cup, added water and gave it to lo. Duh, turns out infants don't know how to sip from a straw!! So the first step in the weaning off journey was to teach lo to sip from a straw. It took him quite a while and finally, he learned after watching his cousins drinking milk using a straw (thank you dear Veda and Vihaan) ๐Ÿ˜‡. So I started switching his bottle feeds with straw cup feeds one at a time.

This seemed easy until the point he was using the bottle only for his dream feeds. One, during the afternoon nap and the other during his early morning sleep. Now, I was rattling my brain about how to eliminate these two feeds. I obviously couldn't switch to straw and cup for dream feeds so I thought I will just not give him the bottle and see how it goes. Turned out, he woke up at the exact time he was expecting his bottle ๐Ÿ˜ž. This made his afternoon nap shorter and my mornings started earlier than usual. This clearly wasn't working so I gave up on this idea after 2 days as I thought I was keeping the child hungry.

It so happened that lo caught a stomach infection and the doctor strictly advised against feeding bottles. I had no choice but to stop giving him the dream feeds. For about 5 days, his schedule was off track and he was sleeping and waking up at weird hours. But magically, on the 6th day, he took his afternoon nap and woke up at his usual hour in the morning. Turns out, he didn't actually need the bottles but was getting up out of habit. Now, it has been more than 10 days and the kiddo has stopped taking his stomach infection meds as well as his feeding bottles. Mommy couldn't have been happier (both his and mine). As I put the bottles away and said goodbye to a long companion in my kiddo's journey, I was literally beaming with pride at the grown-up toddler ๐Ÿ˜†

Friday, 30 June 2017

A day in Yelagiri

At 12 on a relatively cool May afternoon in Yelagiri, hoards of people rushing down the boat house road were hard to miss. The vendor, at one of the few food stalls on this road, had to just point towards the crowd we needed to follow to reach boat house.

Yelagiri is a small hill station in the state of Tamil Nadu. Not as commercialised as Ooty or other famous hill stations in this area. Tourism Development Board of this state organises Yelagiri Summer Festival in May end every year to develop tourism here. With flower shows, boat house, dog show and various other activities, this festival attracts people from all over the country.

Thursday, 1 December 2016

Upcoming first flight with baby!! Moving Again :)

So here I am, sitting in my room at midnight, getting all worked up about the upcoming moving day. Yes, I am moving to a new city again and yes I just moved less than a year ago. Change is the only constant they say ๐Ÿ˜€ This time I am moving to Bangalore.

Guess what, I like changing cities; it keeps the creepy monotony monster away. And this ain't the first or toughest city change of my life. As a matter of fact, it could be the easiest one. The move is inevitable as my husband's job is in the new city and he has moved a month before me to settle things in the new city. He has also arranged all the moving and packing for me and we have an extremely loving cousin's family helping us with everything. But in my head, this seems to be the toughest moving day and the reason is pretty straightforward - my little baby. I am trying to stay positive as this is a good move and the end result should be good too. However every part of the moving process is making me nervous when I look at it with a baby in tow.