Sunday 23 August 2015

Fake it till you make it !!

I have heard this phrase - 'Fake it till you make it', over and over in a lot of different contexts.

Self-help books ask people to pretend to be what you want to be... day in and day out.. and voila... one day you will actually make it !!

Spiritual books tell people to channel all your energy and focus on what you want to be... project the image on the world... and one day... it will be reflected back on you !!

In therapy, this is recommended as a technique to combat depression. People are asked to go about their daily routine pretending to enjoy it all until the enjoyment becomes real.

In the professional world, people pretend to be what the company needs them to be. These people work really hard to catch up on what is required out of them. Reading, learning and growing in the process.
Are all of these acceptable versions of 'Fake it till you make it'??

Specifically, in the professional world when people cross that thin line between confident pretense and become over-confident!!

I would explain with an example - Let's say, person A was required to be a pilot and was acting like one. Now, A crossed over to the over-confident side and caught hold of a plane. A flew it. One of the two things is bound to happen - A will either crash it or by some fluke A might actually land it. 
If A does land it - will everyone around A also start thinking that A is a pilot?? Is the world all too blind to see through the pretense?? Isn't this unfair to the actual pilots?? Would A have any discipline and professionalism required of a real pilot?? 

Isn't that a fake world we live in if everyone around us is just faking it ??
I believe if you are not reading, learning and growing as you go, sooner or later, everyone will see that you had never made it. And all the world's balance will be restored.

P.S. These are just some confused thoughts in my head that I needed to rant about and clear out. Writing them down helps!!

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