Sunday 22 March 2015

Friendship and Weddings!!

One of the easiest things in life is to be around friends.
It is all the little things like
A cup of coffee....
A midnight phone call....
A movie plan...
And the big pleasure these little things bring along.
This pleasure never fades whether you are meeting a friend after a day, an year or a decade.

I have been really lucky as I have friends who stood by me through thick and thin!!
I have friends who would fight for me, fight with me, talk to me everyday and not talk to me for years but still be my 3 AM friend all the same!!

Being a 3 AM friend - Easier said than done, as one of the toughest things to do is : To be a good friend.

It was my friend's wedding earlier this month. A good friend, one who has been a friend for many many years now.
I didn't attend the wedding coz I couldn't (lack of leaves, read - corporate slavery)
Same happened when another one of my good friends got married an year earlier and two others an year before that (some other seemingly important reasons for my absence)!!

At all these occasions I thought I had a good reason to not be there and my friends would understand.

Now let me tell you, a lot of my good friends didn't come to my wedding as well.
Some of these friends had good reasons that I understood (read - we had drifted apart), others made a genuine effort to explain their situations with endless explanations.

However I don't need to look at my wedding pictures from three years earlier to separate my friends into two categories - ones who made it and the ones who didn't. It made sense to me that my friends should have understood the importance of standing by me on the biggest day of my life!!

So what if I am not great at calling up friends regularly or just keeping in touch but I do consider myself a good friend.
However being a good friend should have enabled me to rationally see that these friends have stood by me on numerous other occasions (like the time I needed encouragement with my paintings and poems... Read more about that here!!) lest this one day. But so far I hadn't succeeded in understanding the reasons for their absence!! :(

Now when the tables have turned and I am the one missing my friends' weddings, I am wishing for two things:
Wisdom to let go of the judgements I made about friends' who didn't make it to my wedding...
And a world where my friends won't hold a grudge against me when I can't attend theirs ;)

That is me - taking one step forward in the world of friendship!! 

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