Monday 12 October 2015

Life and lessons learnt :)

In my life I am yet to meet a person who thinks that textbooks can actually teach you more, than life can teach you. If you are that kind of person, don't tell me coz I will judge you!! I am not even talking about the really profound life altering lessons here. Just the small important ones that you learn on a normal work day or even a beautiful Sunday brunch. You just need to take a moment to stop, think and absorb that right. For example, lessons that you want to learn - like a tip from a good friend on 'where to buy that perfect jacket that goes with every skirt?'; or lessons you need to learn - like a survivor's guide from a co-worker on a really bad work day;  or lessons that you didn't even know you need to learn. I wanna share a story about a lesson of the latter kind.

During my growing up years, I always had a good mix of guy n girl friends. And all through my growing up years, I had a tendency to hit my guy friends just like I would hit my cousin brothers. Let me clarify that statement before you book me on charges of voilence ;) A friendly harmless slap on the arm or a lil pinch on the arm is all I am talking about and mostly for reasons like :-
1) what you said was disgusting 2) what you said was hurtful 3) you need to stop acting like a jerk 4) you haven't said anything for so long, may be this will evoke a reaction!!
Go ahead, judge me but I was just a kid (alright... I was a lil older than a kid.. fine... I continued that through my first job and a lil later). But I am happy that I had strong manly friends who didn't cry when a girl hit them :P

So it is safe to say that I never understood it is a little offensive to hit grown ups (I know... mom taught me that long ago... but I was spoilt by really lovely friends) !! Then came along the life lesson in the form of a friend whom I hit and heard something that no teacher said to me. Ever. He said 'I need you go home and think about what you just did'. A very grown up statement for my very childish behavior (yes I cried like a lil kid who was just scolded). But voila!! I took note of the statement, learnt a much needed lesson and that broke the curse ;) I am quite happy to say that it was quite some time ago and I haven't felt the need to hit anyone since then!!

That was a really small but effective lesson life conveyed via my friend (all in a day's fun) and I am sharing that at the risk of making my mother very mad at this new found knowledge of me hitting people!! Life keeps throwing lessons at us all the time, we really need to absorb everything that life throws and be a better person with each passing day :) What was a lesson life recently gave you (in a day's work or in a day's fun) and did you stop, think and absorb it right?? 

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